Projects Portfolio
- HEI - Idea to Impact - i2i (HEI - i2i)
- SOUL Skills
- Research and Analysis of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) on the Territory of LIG-Lom
- “Multiple Intelligence –New Approach for Effective Education” (MI-NAEE)
- TouriSMEshare Project
- Pave the Way to a Social Entrepreneurship
- DA-SPACE - Open Innovation to raise Entrepreneurship skills and Public Private Partnership in Danube Region
- QUINTUPLE HELIX in the implementation of Research and Innovation smart specialization strategie of Sofia Municipality
- Knowledge transfer and public awareness in the area of non agriculture activities in Rakovski region
- Трансфер на знания и действия по осведомяване за неземеделски дейности на територията на МИГ “Раковски”
- Capacity building in the area c green agriculture activities and environmental protection in Radomir-Kovachevci-Zemen region
- Knowledge transfer and public awareness about non agriculture activities in Galabovo
- EC CIP 150325 EIIRC-3-BG "European Network providing integrated services in support of business and innovation in Bulgaria"
- Sustainable development and competitiveness through increased energy efficiency with the use of solar energy and intelligent systems
- Institutional, business and educational integration of advanced technology and mechatronics (ATM)
- Насърчаване на иновациите в културната индустрия на столицата
- Increase the competitiveness of enterprises by focusing on technology and know-how transfer between SMEs, research, industry and educational institutions in the sphere of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and ICT for the Sofia and Nishava districts
- EURESP+ (European Regional Environmental Services Platform PLUS)
- Contract with ExperGen Drug Development GmbH–Austria for development of Miltefosine
- Contract with ExperGen Drug Development GmbH–Austria for development of Miltefosine
- “Network for provision of integrated services in support of business and innovation in Bulgaria” as a partner in EEN consortium leaded by ARC Fund
- Organization of cluster Mechatronics and Automation
- “Establishment of Regional One-Stop Investment Office– ROSIO Sofia”
- “INTER GET UP - an interregional approach for the stimulation of technology-oriented start-ups in Europe”
- Platform for cross sector cooperation and virtual clustering”
- “Training of specialists in transfer technology in Steinbeis Foundation – Stuttgart”
- IT project “HYPAS – Development of HYPAS database, design and implementation”
- “Technology consultancies for SME’s and grant scheme”
- Project RoTe MiNa with STZ#9 MADYN – Konstanz, Germany for development a robot for cell micro- and nano manipulations
- Project TransCoSME for support SME NCP participation in FP7
- Project 150325 EIIRC-2-BG “Network for provision of integrated services in support of business and innovation in Bulgaria” as a partner in EEN consortium leaded by ARC Fund
- Project Fit-to-Health Promoting participation of high-tech research-intensive SMEs in Health
- Project Nr.249821 EU4SME
- “Optimization and application of a Model and tools for Intensification of the interaction “Science – Business” at a support of strong and competitive Bulgarian industry”