At present MVCRI is a national research center for scientific, scientific-applied activities and extension service in the field of vegetable crops and potato breeding and in technologies for vegetable crops growing. The institute is situated in the Thracian valley the biggest vegetable production region in the Republic of Bulgaria.
The institute is a recherché unit in the structure of the Agricultural Academy, Sofia. Nowadays 24 researcher, indeed 14 attained academic ranks and 22 with PhD degree are working in the institute. The achievements of the scientists in the MVCRI are well known abroad that make them competitive partners in the research studies in the field of vegetable production.
There are two departments in the institute: “Breeding, Variety Maintenance and Introduction” and “Technologies in Vegetable Crops Production” and laboratories for tissue cultures, control of quality, physiology, virus diseases and immunity, cytology, molecular biology, phytopathology, entomology and agrochemistry. The Technology Transfer Center (TTO) was established by financial support from PHARE programme in 2007 as a section to the MVCRI.
Throughout more than 80 years over 300 varieties and F1 hybrids in tomato, pepper, cucumber, cabbage, garden bean, garden peas, onion, leek, potato etc. have been developed.
The MVCRI is authorized for education in doctoral programmes “Breeding and seed production of crop plants” and “Vegetable production”.
The TTO is orientated to improve the competitiveness of the Bulgarian farmers, to support them by expert advices, modern ecological technologies for growing of new vegetable crops varieties, development of projects financed by the EC Funds. The basil role of the TTO is to make a co-ordination between researchers and farmers and to make the scientific achievements of the MVCRI popular by introducing in the practice. The team working in the TTO is highly skilled that is specialized in the field of economics and project development.
Do not hesitate to contact us on:
We are open to assist if you need information about:
Director of the Maritsa VCRI, Plovdiv.
She is a Master of Science on Biology at the Sofia University. Developing a PhD thesis by specialty “Soil Microbiology at the “Nikola Pushkarov” Institute of Soil Science”, Sofia.
She is working in the field of fungous diseases in vegetable crops and potato, biology and control, biological and integrated systems for control of diseases in vegetable crops and potato, breeding of resistance to fungus diseases in vegetable crops and potato.
She is a member of Scientific body of the project to 7FP to EC EU-BALKANVEGETABLES (2008-2011); National director in progect:
TCP/BUL/3002(A) Development, production technologies and efficiency of greenhpouse production (FAO) ( 2004-2006); National consultant for sector “Soils” in project GFL 2328-2750-4822-2205 «Total stopping of the use methylbronide in the countries with economy in revenue» (UNEP) (2005-2008)
She has been involved as an expert in national projects and as and coordinator in international projects related to integrated plant protection of vegetable crops.
Co-author of three pepper varieties’ five technologies for vegetable production. Author of books, manuals, brochures, strategies, attitudes and many scientific publications.
Petar Kazakov – senior expert marketing
Bulgarian Technology Transfer Network (BgTTN)
27. TTC "Maritsa" - at Institute of vegetable cultures - Agriculture Academy of SciencesHistory
Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute (MVCRI), Plovdiv is established in 1930 as a State Agricultural Experimental Station for research work in vegetable crops, rice, forage and fiber crops as well as in problem concerning irrigation.At present MVCRI is a national research center for scientific, scientific-applied activities and extension service in the field of vegetable crops and potato breeding and in technologies for vegetable crops growing. The institute is situated in the Thracian valley the biggest vegetable production region in the Republic of Bulgaria.
The institute is a recherché unit in the structure of the Agricultural Academy, Sofia. Nowadays 24 researcher, indeed 14 attained academic ranks and 22 with PhD degree are working in the institute. The achievements of the scientists in the MVCRI are well known abroad that make them competitive partners in the research studies in the field of vegetable production.
There are two departments in the institute: “Breeding, Variety Maintenance and Introduction” and “Technologies in Vegetable Crops Production” and laboratories for tissue cultures, control of quality, physiology, virus diseases and immunity, cytology, molecular biology, phytopathology, entomology and agrochemistry. The Technology Transfer Center (TTO) was established by financial support from PHARE programme in 2007 as a section to the MVCRI.
Throughout more than 80 years over 300 varieties and F1 hybrids in tomato, pepper, cucumber, cabbage, garden bean, garden peas, onion, leek, potato etc. have been developed.
Priority research directions in the institute:
- Development of new varieties and hybrids in vegetable crops and potato using conventional and biotechnological methods with good chemical, technological and taste quality – balance acid and sugar content, optimal dry matter content, rich of natural antioxidants, suitable for fresh consumption and processing as functional foods, resistant to biotic and abiotic factors.
- Improvement of the integrated and organic production systems providing for sustainable and competitive development of vegetable production
The MVCRI is authorized for education in doctoral programmes “Breeding and seed production of crop plants” and “Vegetable production”.
The TTO is orientated to improve the competitiveness of the Bulgarian farmers, to support them by expert advices, modern ecological technologies for growing of new vegetable crops varieties, development of projects financed by the EC Funds. The basil role of the TTO is to make a co-ordination between researchers and farmers and to make the scientific achievements of the MVCRI popular by introducing in the practice. The team working in the TTO is highly skilled that is specialized in the field of economics and project development.
Do not hesitate to contact us on:
- supporting of farmers for producing of competitive vegetable production and obtaining of higher incomes;
- transfer of technologies between the MVCRI and farmers;
- Business consultations in vegetable production and innovations;
- Marketing research of the requirements and problems of vegetable producers, processing industry, dealers and consumers;
- Development of project for applying to the EC Funds financing;
- Project organization and management;
- Advertisement of new varieties and growing technologies;
- Scientific consultations performed by experts;
- Training, seminars, conferences, meetings and exchange experience.
We are open to assist if you need information about:
- Varieties of main vegetable crops and technologies for growing;
- Authentic vegetable seeds, licenses for seed production;
- Advices during the vegetable crops production;
- Demonstrative areas;
- Training;
- Open days;
- Monitoring in plant protection;
- Soil analyses and recommendations for nutrition;
- Projects of new farms.
Professor PhD. Stoyka MashevaDirector of the Maritsa VCRI, Plovdiv.
She is a Master of Science on Biology at the Sofia University. Developing a PhD thesis by specialty “Soil Microbiology at the “Nikola Pushkarov” Institute of Soil Science”, Sofia.
She is working in the field of fungous diseases in vegetable crops and potato, biology and control, biological and integrated systems for control of diseases in vegetable crops and potato, breeding of resistance to fungus diseases in vegetable crops and potato.
She is a member of Scientific body of the project to 7FP to EC EU-BALKANVEGETABLES (2008-2011); National director in progect:
TCP/BUL/3002(A) Development, production technologies and efficiency of greenhpouse production (FAO) ( 2004-2006); National consultant for sector “Soils” in project GFL 2328-2750-4822-2205 «Total stopping of the use methylbronide in the countries with economy in revenue» (UNEP) (2005-2008)
She has been involved as an expert in national projects and as and coordinator in international projects related to integrated plant protection of vegetable crops.
Co-author of three pepper varieties’ five technologies for vegetable production. Author of books, manuals, brochures, strategies, attitudes and many scientific publications.
Ivanka Staneva – head of TTOPetar Kazakov – senior expert marketing