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Bulgarian Technology Transfer Network (BgTTN)

17. TTO "Risk Space"
Strengthening and expanding the office for transfer of aerospace technology in the area of protection of the health of citizens in times of disasters and crises.

The concept of creating OTT transfer aerospace technology in the area of protection of the health of citizens for disasters and crises is based on recent developments in the global (disaster in Fukushima, Haiti and Chile), regional (forest fires in Greece in 2010 and floods Romania 2009-2010) and national level (forest fires and floods in various places of the country), which clearly demonstrated the need to integrate scientific - research potential and business in order to facilitate the administration on all levels (national, regional, municipal ) in protecting the health and life of citizens. This is the main priority of the Lisbon Strategy and OTT will act as a hub and facilitator for providing information from the European structures to different users in Bulgaria.

The structure and organization of OTT is formed in accordance with requirements of the national legislation (LOC), Law and statutes of BAS and the good European practices for the management of technology transfer offices and the so-called Centers and Networks of Excellence and is presented in the figure below.

In accordance with the principal activity of the two units of BAS which are founder members of the DG "Risk Transfer Space" and using all the available potential personnel, material, technical and financial support and by IA "SME" (by the requested subsidizing), the extended range of services and activities of the Office for Technology Transfer is focused on the following areas:

Creation, development and transfer of methods, tools and technologies from aerospace research for the project objectives;
• Development of a methodology for the assessment of the critical infrastructure is under the requirements of the "European protection of citizens' in the provided document: SEC 1626/2010" Risk Assessment and Mapping Guidelines for Disaster Management "based on geo-spatial data;
• Development of a prototype of a system for monitoring and surveillance of based, on ground, aerial and space sources of geo-spatial data for the prevention, management and evaluation of the consequences of various natural disasters and techno genic accidents on a regional (provincial) level; • Support of the implementation of a web-based system for the transmission of operational information (geo-spatial, video, medical, etc.) to the control center;

Scientific solutions to specific industrial problems;
• Development of a Web-based system for geo-informational services for different users of geo-spatial information for environmental monitoring and risk management of natural disasters and accidents (using the resources of the National Super Computer Center);
• Testing of new smart sensors and systems for obtaining geo spatial information acquired by terrestrial, aerial and spatial researches.

Evaluation of technologies and intellectual property; technological, financial, economic, environmental and expert advisory services related to technology transfer;
• Analysis and evaluation of the capabilities of the new ultra-light unmanned platforms for monitoring and surveillance of natural disasters and emergencies.
• Preparation of Multi-risk analysis and evaluation of opportunities for utilization of data from operational monitoring carried out by the Centre for aero-space observation (CAO) in Civil Protection, Ministry of natural and man-made disasters, catastrophes and accidents;

Organization of training and research activities - workshops, presentations, seminars, exhibitions; • Organizing a joint conference "Smart Sensors and Geospatial Technologies for Crisis Management and Disaster Reliefs" (Intelligent sensors and geo-spatial technologies for crisis management and eliminating the consequences);
• Conducting jointly with the European Space Agency (ESA) of the International Conference - Space, Ecology, Nanotechnologies, Security (SENS) – 2013
• Organizing workshops in regional and local administrations;
• Provision of resources for practical training and work of PhD students within the OTT in the field of aero-space technology for environmental monitoring and disaster prevention;

In the long term the ambition of OTT is to seek presence on the international market (especially in the member states of the EU) in order to provide these specialized services.

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