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Bulgarian Technology Transfer Network (BgTTN)

13. GIS-TC “Transport management and smart transport vehicles”
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria,
Acad. G. Bonchev str. Bl. 2
Phone: (+359) 2 979 27 74
Fax: (+359) 02 870 72 73

The center was founded by the team of the Department of Hierarchical systems from the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The team gathers deep experience in applying control strategies in different domainds. The Center now is oriented to the services, related with Transportation systems. The team, supporting the Center has experience in tasks, related to the design, test and validation informational solutions for transport management systems, freight deliveries, control of traffic flows. The center can offer expertise to his partners and clients for solving problems in system developments, management and control policies, decision making, design and implementation of information and control systems for the transportation domain. The expertise of the team is based on active project developments on National and International levels as to EC funded programs and projects since FP4 till FP7.
The key actions of the Center concern advanced and applied research in IT; analysis, design, programming and implementation of large-scale information systems for e-learning, industry and public administration; IT consultant, automatic control and management; “turnkey” systems delivery upon users’ requests; software development; training and knowledge improvement in IT; technical assistance in implementing software products; implementation and deployment of IT and computer systems and network solutions; solutions of practical problems for transport systems, traffic flow control, on-line management and optimisation. The Center is working on the information technology market in Bulgaria on WAN solutions, concerning electronic data interchange (EDI), e-commerce solutions, B2B tools, on-line information services, portal developments, Web design, distributed search through heterogeneous network, e-services through Internet and also in the field of Data Mining, Knowledge Extraction from Real Data Sets for Complex Processes.

The Center can provide on request training and education for the domain of transportation, information technologies and electronic business.

Prof. Todor Stoilov, Ph.D.,D.Sc.

  • AComIn "Advanced Computing for Innovation" (technological task for transportation), grant 316087, funding by FP7 Capacity Programme, Research Potential of Convergence Regions (2012-2016)
  • COST Action TU1102: “Towards Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems”, 2011-2015
  • Project 4IF-02-87/7.3.2008 „Integration of GPS functionalities for optimization of the management of special transport devices” , Executive Agency fo SME, Ministry of Industry, 2012.
  • Project EC FP6, Program IST No. 027178 “Virtual Internet Service Provider VISP”. 2010
  • Project with National Innovation Fund № 135/2009 „Framework for integration of business entities in common production chain”, Ministry of Economy and Energy, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Project № ВУ - 966 „Web-services integration in distributed information systems”, National Science Fund, 2009.
  • Project № ID 14/ 1.7.2008 "Trafic Control in Global Networks", State Agency for Information Technology and Communications, Bulgaria.
  • Project EC FP4, 977976 – "EDIPA: Electronic Data Interchange in Port Administrations", 2006
  • Project EC FP4, 960183 – "FRETRIS: Road Freight Transport Demand & Supply Information Systems" – A Telematic Pilot Tool for Europe, 2004.

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